Friday, December 3, 2010

Always look on the Bright Side of Life...

As crazy as it sounds, Monty Python often helps me through the day.  The context of that skit is unimportant (and possibly disturbing), but at some point a character sings "always look on the bright side of life..." and when things are getting me down I whistle that once in awhile.

We all have things that pump us up, I think.  I do at least.  Things we think of or remember to keep us motivated.  Keep us going.  It's like running or weight lifting.  There comes a point (for me it's about 4 miles, for fellow blooger Amanda over at THE WINK its apparently 6 miles, but I'm not being jealous or competitive or anything) :)

But at that point - the point where you want to slow down, or stop, or give up - you can repeat a mantra to yourself to keep pushing through.  Keep holding on.  Any other cliche' you want to add here.  It's just trying to trick your mind into being positive.  Don't think of anything else but that mantra.  I used to say to myself "take the pain, go for the gain."  Some people I've heard just chant one word, like "win" or "go" over and over.  Whatever works.

I have those for life as well.  Life hands out a few pretty vicious lemons once in awhile.  Another blogger, ApocalypticDad, feels my pain.  His story about CAR TROUBLE reminds me of my own.  And when those kinds of things get me down, I usually think of Monty Python or Jerry Maguire (one of the best Tom Cruise movies ever, if you've never seen it). 

Jerry had a mentor in the movie who would come on once in awhile and give sage advice.  Among these were my morning mantra "I love the morning!  I clap my hands and say, "Today is gonna be a great day!""  Gotta say that when it's 5 in the morning and cold and dark out.  Those covers are very comfy, very tempting.  Jerry helps me out of bed.

The other is "At the end of the day, I love my life, I love my wife, and I wish you my kind of success."
Gotta measure success on your own terms, and when life hands you lemon curve balls, remember what's important.  If you love your wife and kids, and they love you too - nothing else matters.  I wish for that kind of success.

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