Monday, August 29, 2011

End (less?) Summer

I can honestly say, this was the greatest summer I've ever had in my life.  You'd think a summer of my high school or college years would be the greatest.  Or maybe those years after college when you actually had money and no kids.  But no - this summer takes the cake.
I won't say the kids made ALL the difference, but having the kids old enough we could have fun and adventure together certainly was MOST of the reason this summer rocked.
The other 15% would have to be the fact that we DID things.  We got out there.  I don't remember the days this summer where we just stayed in and watched TV (there were a few of those).  But I remember vividly the days we went hiking, or biking, or swimming.  We got out there.  It was fun.  And Thanks for sharing it with me, kids.

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