Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sometimes you have kids that are easy. Sometimes you have kids that are...unique. I love all of my kids equally. Some just require a little more elbow grease than others. :)
One of my kids is a worry wort. (That's not spelled wrong, I used the beer brew spelling, instead of the disgusting skin problem. Personal preference)
This child worries over everything, but last night took the cake. The child came out of bed at 9:00 last night to ask - "If you indent a paragraph at the beginning of a new idea, what if every sentence is a new idea? I'm worried I won't write my paragraphs correctly!"
How do you teach a kid to not be so precise? Most kids its trying to get them to be more concientious of what they're doing. With this one, it's a battle to make sure she loosens up a bit, and realizes that some things just aren't worth worrying about. Like paragraphs. And mild skin rashes.

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