Thursday, February 16, 2012

Home School Public School

I have a wonderfully unique situation where I have been fortunate enough to teach my own kids for the last 6 years, while at the same time they were allowed a semi "normal" public school experience too.  This has left me with a knowledge and confidence in where my children's education is at, and where it's going, that most parents don't have the luxury of.

It's because of this that I understand the importance of parental education.  I think public school is a great thing, and I also trust and respect the choice to eduate your children at home if you so choose.  But I really think it's important to have MULTIPLE points of education in your child's life.

The kids who aren't home schooled still need to be SCHOOLED at HOME when they come back at the end of the day.  Those are some of the best times to educate, just by talking to them about the world and explaining WHY or WHO or WHAT or WHEN.

Home school is great for that, but don't underestimate the importance of other people in your kids' lives.  Since I know I still have a lot to learn from other people, I can't expect that I alone will be able to fill the entirety of my children's knowledge.

So, as if you didn't have enough to do already, make sure you Talk to your kids, and give them experiences with different people.  It'll be worth it in the long run.

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