Friday, January 27, 2012

Top 4 ways to get the kids ready in the morning

I know my kids are the only ones who are slow movers in the morning, but maybe a few people will get a little info out of this. :)

When my kids get up, I've got a whiner, a slugger, a sneaker, and a mover. 

1 - The whiner complains about everything.  "Do we HAVE to take a shower again?"  - like the answer is going to be different this time, when it's been "yes" every time for the last 4 years.  My way to motivate them is to give them EXTRA activites whenever they whine about it.  This has proven effective 50% of the time, most of the time.

2 - The slugger moves at a snails pace (ala a slug).  When one is already dressed, ate, and ready to go, they've barely started wiping the sleep from their eyes.  The strategy for them is simple - leave them one day.  If they're not ready for school, leave without them (of course, mom is still home.  And mom has to give them LOTS of chores on that day).  This was pretty effective.  Repeat about every few months.

3- The Sneaker tries to get away with things.  They'll try and slink off and hide somewhere and lay down, or cut corners by not taking a shower when they should.  I give praise and extra sugar on the cereal to the others, who are still visible, when this happens.  Surefire way for them to stick around more next time, just waiting for the praise.  And the sugar.

4 - The mover is great.  They move all around, getting ready and not complaining, and always doing what they're supposed to.  The funny thing is - not every kid keeps the same role each day.  Sometimes one is the mover, sometimes they're the sneaker.  It's a revolving door.  So with the mover, I just tell them they're doing a great job.  This always makes them smile.  And gives them a reason to try to stay "the mover" the next day as well.

Here's to mornings!

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