My son is now at potty training stage. This is good, since it's only taken about 3 and a half years to get here. Potty training is a funny thing. It's something you can't control. I can "make" my kids take out the garbage. I can "make" my kids make thier beds. But no matter how hard you try, you can't "make" someone go to the bathroom. In fact, "making" it go is directly in opposition to how we go in the first place.
Now, my son is a classic control freak. He wants to be in control of the remote, he wants to drive the car (I don't usually let him). He wants the power. I'm a little worried about meglomania, but for now I'm worring strictly about the potty stuff. I think he's never going to be potty trained. He's going to go off to college, pack up and say "did you remember to pack my potty seat?" Lord help me.